“Mind is beyond measure. Things given are beyond measure. Moreover, in giving, mind transforms the gift and the gift transforms mind.”
— Zen Master Dogen
Akazienzendo is a non-profit organization financed by donations and membership contributions only. The weekly mediation program, special courses, retreats, and workshops are made possible through the generous support of people like you.
Membership fees / donations are tax-deductible. For our account info see below. For donation receipts please note your address. For donations under €200 the bank transfer receipt is accepted as a donation receipt by the tax revenue agency.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Donations are possible via bank transfer and PayPal:
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank EG
Account Name: Akazienzendo
IBAN: DE63 4306 0967 1142 5848 00